Feedback Thoughts

I thought Neil Gaiman's advice on the creative life was brilliant, because he gave me a lot of advise on what its like to work in a creative field and the challenges that arise, and that you need to be OK with failure and thick skinned. He also talked about how if  your doing something that you enjoy doing it wont feel like a choir.

He brought up an interesting point on how most people are doing jobs for the money rather than what they have always wanted to do, which i thought was a valid point, because i would much rather do something i love and not get much money for it rather than going into a job i hate and getting good my, at the end of the day, your happiness is what matters the most.

I also really liked his point on not being afraid to make mistakes, and even going as far as to tell us to make mistakes, and how you should 'make good art' in all the different struggles you might face in like and use it as inspiration.

Image result for self doubt  
(Self Doubt)

John Spencer's thoughts on self doubt was also quite interesting. He talks about how self doubt is part of doing something you love deeply, and how you shouldn't compare your self to others when you feel like you suck at something, and you start seeing people as competition. 


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