Reading 3

Doing research(Reading)

I for one never knew that there were different ways of reading, so I found the different topics quite interesting.

I learned about active and passive reading and learned that active readers are more likely to use techniques to engage critically with the text, and take into the account the author's approach and the source's significance. I also learned that passive reading is done with a critical mindset and how it can be helpful when learning about a certain topic, and also builds up your knowledge.

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I found the part on the 'Active note-taking' quite interesting, it talks about seeking out connections, relationships, and processes. It also talks about trying to summarize the text into your own words.
Brainstorming questions that you would like to answer, was something that I never really thought of doing also, and I thought that the was a good idea, and also drawing a diagram to show the process or how findings relate to one another, I found the part very helpful.

The post-reading section was very informative, telling me about returning to confusing sections after reading additional background information, and to review my notes to ensure that I have not missed out on any valuable information.
